Memprize Submission by Team Radboud University

This app is a re-implementation of our submission to the memprize science competition (Potts et al., 2023).

Run the app in your browser by clicking on the button below, or find the code on GitHub:

Please cite as:

van den Broek, G. S. E., Gerke, P. K., Albers, A. M., Berkers, R., van Kesteren, M., Konrad, B., & Müller, N. (2023). Memprize Submission by Team Radboud University (Version 1.0) [Computer software].

Note: There are minor differences between this app and the original training. For example, we had to replace some images due to usage rights and translate the instructions to English. Our participants also could not skip the instruction video.

For information about the competition, refer to:

Potts, R., van den Broek, G.S.E., Albers, A.M., Balaguer, J., Berkers, R., de Jonge, M., Dhanani, A., Jivani, A., Gerke, P.K., Konrad, B., Küpper-Tetzel, C.E., Hae Li, J., McDaniel, M., Miyatsu, T., Müller, N., Nguyen, K., Reilly, W., Summerfield, C., … Shanks, D.R. (2023). Optimal methods for learning foreign-language vocabulary: An international research competition. [Manuscript submitted for publication]. University College London.